Regulatory Compliance

Dental practice, environment & radiation, infection control, Cal/OSHA and HIPAA.

Multiple state and federal agencies are charged with regulating dental practices. Keep on top of the compliance process by downloading our versatile and customizable resources.


Regulatory Compliance Manual: Table of Contents and Use Instructions

Review the instructions for recommendations on how to best implement this program in your practice. Also download a table of contents for your binder.

General Office Safety Plan

Customize this sample plan to describe the general office safety procedures at your practice. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Sept 2015.

Guide to Dental Practice Act Compliance

Summarizes portions of the Dental Practice Act and organizes information in alphabetical order by subject. Citations are provided to appropriate California laws and regulations.

Hazard Communication in the Dental Practice - Training for New Employees (PowerPoint)

Use CDA’s 45-minute PowerPoint presentation to provide the Cal/OSHA-required training on hazardous materials to new dental staff. The training covers hazard identification, protective and first-aid measures and more.

Hazard Communication Pictograms Poster

A poster guide to the pictograms and hazard statements required by the Cal/OSHA Hazard Communication regulation.

Hazard Communication Plan

Customize this sample plan to describe how the practice communicates to employees about workplace hazardous chemicals. Print final plan on a color printer. Updated Oct 2016.

Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal Plan

Use sample plan to describe how to manage and dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with federal and state laws. This is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Feb 2016.

Helping your out-of-state-trained dental assistant to become a California Registered Dental Assistant

Use this resource help an out-of-state trained dental assistant plan to become a California registered dental assistant without enrolling in a full-time educational program.

Hepatitis B Vaccination: Requirement and Recommendations

Overview of requirement and related CDC recommendations. Cal/OSHA requires employers to offer certain employees the hepatitis B vaccination series and post-vaccination testing.

HIPAA and California Health Information Privacy and Protection Laws Q&A

Answers to questions asked by dental offices on how to comply with HIPAA rules on privacy, security, and national provider identification (NPI).

HIPAA and the California Medical Information Act

This checklist provides an at-a-glance view of elements required to comply with state and federal privacy laws. 

HIPAA Breach Assessment and Notification

This is the fourth of four presentations created to train a dental practice’s privacy officer and security officer on the requirements of federal and state privacy laws and on their respective responsibilities. 

HIPAA Business Associate Agreement

Describes HIPAA business associates and the requirement for covered entities such as dental practices to have agreements with them. A sample business associate agreement is included.

HIPAA Privacy and Security Officers: Overview of Responsibilities

This is the first of four presentations created to train a dental practice’s privacy officer and security officer on the requirements of federal and state privacy laws and on their respective responsibilities. 

HIPAA Safeguards

A discussion on HIPAA safeguards – what administrative, technical and physical safeguards are required to be implemented and how to determine if a safeguard is reasonable and appropriate.

HIPAA Security Rule - A Summary

The rule sets standards to protect patient information in electronic form. A covered entity must implement or address more than 30 administrative, physical and technical standards summarized here.

HIPAA Training Resources

Here are four presentations for dental practice HIPAA privacy and security officers to learn about their responsibilities, and one training presentation that can be used in combination with a dental practice’s written policies and procedures to train office workforce (includes students and others).

Household Hazardous Waste and Small Quantity Generator Programs by County

A list of county programs which allow small businesses to drop-off by appointment their hazardous and universal waste.

Housekeeping Schedule

Customize form to comply with Cal/OSHA and a Dental Board requirement to have a written protocol for operatory cleanliness. The form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Reviewed Sept 2015.

How to do a HIPAA Risk Analysis

This is the third of four presentations created to train a dental practice’s privacy officer and security officer on the requirements of federal and state privacy laws and on their respective responsibilities. 

Identification, Evaluation and Selection of Engineering and Work Practice Controls

Staff must assess annually the effectiveness of the practice's safety procedures and devices and consider safety sharps. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Sept 2015.

Individual Training Documentation Form

Use this form to document individual employee's annual training on the control of exposures to bloodborne pathogens. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Sept 2015.

Infection Control and Cal/OSHA FAQ

FAQ on infection control, other Cal/OSHA regulations, training, personal protective equipment and inspections. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Dec 2018.

Infection Control Information Resources

This is a list of external websites with information pertinent to infection control at dental practices.

Information Blocking Rule Q&A

 Learn more about the information blocking rule, which permits patients and others greater access to patient information. The rule is part of the 21st Century Cures Act, a federal law.

Information Privacy and Security - HIPAA, State Laws

This PowerPoint presentation can be used in conjunction with the dental practice’s written policies and procedures to train staff on compliance with HIPAA and state laws.

Informed Refusal for Hepatitis B Vaccination

Document employee’s refusal of employer's offer of the Hepatitis B vaccination on this form which has mandated language. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated Sept 2015.