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Environment and Radiation

Amalgam Separator Requirements - Q&A

Information on EPA rule requiring dental practices to install amalgam separators and comply with specific best management practices.  Includes a sample inspection and maintenance log.

Amalgam Waste Best Management Practices

A list of best practices and information resources on managing amalgam waste.

Dental Office Waste Management and Disposal Options

Information and options for managing medical, hazardous, and universal wastes. Includes a list of mail-back vendors.

Dental Radiographic Film Quality Assurance Requirements

Dental practices using traditional film radiography must meet regulatory standards for quality assurance. This regulation summary includes a sample office policy and a template for a corrective actions log.

Employee Occupational Exposure to Radiation

A log and a form to assist the dental practice in gathering information on employee radiation exposure at other employers.

Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal Plan

Use sample plan to describe how to manage and dispose of hazardous waste in accordance with federal and state laws. This is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Household Hazardous Waste and Small Quantity Generator Programs by County

A list of county programs which allow small businesses to drop-off by appointment their hazardous and universal waste.

Medical Waste Management and Disposal Plan

Use sample plan to describe the practice’s medical waste management and disposal procedures as required by state law. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Pregnancy Declaration for Radiation Safety

A form to document employee’s voluntary declaration of pregnancy and that employee has been informed of facts on occupational radiation exposure and other information.

Proposition 65 Notices & FAQ

A zip file with Proposition 65 warning notices in 16 languages and two FAQs. Businesses with ten or more employees post or provide the notices as required. Updated February 2024.

Radiation Personnel Monitors (Dosimeters)

Explains requirement to have records of occupational exposure and whether dosimeters must be worn at all times. Includes a vendor list.

Radiation Safety FAQ

FAQ on radiation safety. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated March 2024.

Radiation Safety in Dental Practice: A Study Guide

This guide includes excerpts from the California Radiation Control Regulations Title 17 and a template for a required written radiation safety plan.

Radiation Safety Instructions

These instructions should be provided to employees and must be available when a dental practice is inspected by the Department of Public Health Radiologic Health Branch.

Radiation Warning Sign

The State of California requires in rooms where X-ray equipment is used posting a sign (that may include the radiation symbol) stating: CAUTION X-RAYS. This sample sign may be used.

Regulated Dental Office Wastes and Wastewater FAQ

FAQ describes types of dental regulated wastes and rules for its management and disposal. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated March 2024.

Waste Management Training for Dental Practices

Employers who generate medical and hazardous waste must provide training to employees on appropriate management and disposal of the wastes. This checklist has the essential training elements.