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Keep ahead of the compliance process with our customizable Regulatory Compliance Manual. Plus, learn about CURES and opioid pain management, review upcoming regulation deadlines and check your practice’s compliance.
Regulatory Compliance
This checklist provides an overview of what dental practices need to do to comply with the Dental Board, occupational safety, employment, environmental, radiation safety, patient privacy, information security, and general business requirements.
This information aims to assist members in safeguarding themselves by outlining the steps they can take when faced with attempted scams.
Customize sample plan to describe the steps your dental practice takes to prevent violence at the workplace. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Created May 2024.
This manual provides sample written plans and forms to assist a dental practice in Cal/OSHA compliance. It also has information on waste management.
CDA continues to promote best practices and compliance with state and federal laws regarding opioid pain management.
Access an online library of downloadable articles, guides, templates, checklists and forms.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2025, unlicensed dental assistants in California must complete the required eight-hour infection control course prior to exposure to blood and saliva.
Dental licensure and scope changes address key issues for California dentists such as workforce expansion, anesthesia permit qualifications for dentists and infection control standards for dental assistants.
In California, a patient's consent for the use or disclosure of their health information is valid only for one year. CDA has compliant sample forms for members.