Infection Control

Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

Dental practices must have a copy of this regulation to provide to employees upon request. Updated June 2024.

Cal/OSHA Regulation on Aerosol Transmissible Diseases

Compliance requirements for preventing transmission of aerosol transmissible diseases (ATDs) at health care facilities. 

Checklist for Bloodborne Pathogens Post Exposure Management Protocol

A checklist of actions a dental practice must take after an employee is exposed to blood or OPIM.  Updated June 2024.


COVID Addendum to the IIPP

This sample addendum to the injury and illness prevention plan has been updated for consistency with the Cal/OSHA nonemergency COVID-19 prevention regulation effective in 2023. Updated June 2024.

COVID-19 Isolation and Exposure Protocol

On May 22, 2024, CDPH retired its guidance on isolation and testing of individuals known or suspected of having COVID-19. However, the state Public Health Officer Order remains in place as does the Cal/OSHA non-emergency COVID-19 Prevention regulation. California employers must continue to exclude employees with, or suspected of having, COVID-19 during the infectious period. Employers also must provide testing to employees who have close contact with someone with COVID-19, except for asymptomatic employees who recently recovered from COVID-19. Employees must wear a mask when returning to work before a full 10 days has passed since symptoms started or testing positive.

Dental Board of California Infection Control Regulations

Copy of California Code of Regulations Title 16 Section 1005, which require written protocols for instrument processing, operatory cleanliness, and injury management. Updated June 2024.

Disinfecting the Operatory

 Follow these step-by-step instructions for cleaning, disinfecting the operatory.

Employee Informed Refusal of Post-Exposure Medical Evaluation

Use this form to document an employee’s informed refusal of a medical evaluation following exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Exposure Control Plan

Customize sample plan to describe how your practice limits employee exposure to bloodborne pathogens. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Hepatitis B Vaccination: Requirement and Recommendations

Overview of requirement and related CDC recommendations. Cal/OSHA requires employers to offer certain employees the hepatitis B vaccination series and post-vaccination testing.

Housekeeping Schedule

Customize form to comply with Cal/OSHA and a Dental Board requirement to have a written protocol for operatory cleanliness. The form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Identification, Evaluation and Selection of Engineering and Work Practice Controls

Staff must assess annually the effectiveness of the practice's safety procedures and devices and consider safety sharps. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Infection Control and Cal/OSHA FAQ

FAQ on infection control, other Cal/OSHA regulations, training, personal protective equipment and inspections. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated March 2024.

Infection Control Information Resources

This is a list of external websites with information pertinent to infection control at dental practices.

Informed Refusal for Hepatitis B Vaccination

Document employee’s refusal of employer's offer of the Hepatitis B vaccination on this form which has mandated language. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Instrument Processing Protocol

Use this sample form to describe the practice’s sterilization protocol, as required by the Dental Board. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

N95 Respirator/Mask Information

Compilation of resources for N95 respirator/mask requirements.

Operatory Disinfection: At-a-Glance

Display this poster in the operatory for quick reference on effective operatory disinfection. 

Patient Screening

Screening patients and other visitors is an essential part of COVID-19 infection prevention. Dental practices must also perform screening in compliance with Cal/OSHA regulations.

PPE Requirements for Dental Practices

Quick reference chart to understand PPE requirements for dental practices. 

Putting On and Taking Off PPE

CDC Guidance for Donning and Doffing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 

Respiratory Protection Program

Customize this sample plan which is required when an employer requires an employee to wear a respirator, such as an N95. This is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Safety Sharps Providers

Dental practices must regularly evaluate the appropriateness of safety sharps. A dental practice must either use the sharps or document the reason why safety sharps are not used. 

Schedule and Method of Implementation

Use form to record the schedule and methods of implementation of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard in the practice. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Sharps Injury Log

Use form to record required information associated with an employee’s injury with a contaminated sharp. This form is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

Sterilizer Spore Tests/Biological Indicators Vendor List

Weekly verification of proper functioning of all sterilization devices through use of a biological indicator (such as a spore test) is required.