Employment Practices

Laws & regulations, hiring/firing, office policies & manuals and performance.

It can be challenging to balance the roles of healthcare provider and employer, but it doesn't have to be. Find resources to help hire your dream team and keep your staff productive and happy. Get advice on how to write job descriptions, create applications, set office policies, establish alternative work schedules, and terminate an employee. In addition, all of this is supported by an Employee Manual that can be customized to your practice.


Employee Manual Resources

Create a personalized employee manual using an online tool or a sample employee manual.

What to Expect When Your Employee is Expecting

Employers of five or more full-time or part-time employees must make PDL available to employees. This resource outlines updated 2022 leave obligations and provides guidance for employers managing pregnancy leave and accommodation considerations.

State and Federal Leaves of Absence Laws that Apply to Employers in California

This resource list provides information about varied state and federal leaves of absence laws that may pertain to a covered employer. Leaves of absence laws cover a variety of specifically defined reasons. Covered employer, employee eligibility, job and benefits-protections and any pay requirements (if any) can vary by leave.

In some instances, several leaves of absence can apply to one employee for the same reason.

Any corresponding required notices can be found in the CDA Required Poster Set or in Required Postings in a Dental Office.

Temporary Employees: Required Training Checklist

Temporary staff hired directly by the practice or through an agency may be considered employees of the dental practice. This includes candidates asked to perform working interviews as park of the interview process. Dental practices who employ temporary employees have the responsibility to provide site-specific safety training and patient information privacy and security training.

Use this checklist to track and document required training.

Termination Checklist

Requirements and best practices when separating an employee from employment.

The Team Bonus: To Have or Not to Have

Tips and guidelines for the practice owner who wishes to establish a team bonus.

Training and Non-productive Work Time Rate Sample Policy

Employers who wish to implement a reduced wage for employee training and other non-productive time may use this template to inform and document the new practice policy. 

Vaccine Medical Exemption

Use this form to document an employee's request for accommodation from a mandatory vaccine for a medical exemption.

What to Expect When Your Employee is Expecting

Employers of five or more full-time or part-time employees must make PDL available to employees. This resource outlines updated 2022 leave obligations and provides guidance for employers managing pregnancy leave and accommodation considerations.

Working Interviews in a Dental Practice

On the surface, the idea of bringing in interview candidates for a few hours or days without actually hiring them until they can provide they qualify and their skills meet your needs sounds logical and ideal, doesn’t it?