Top 10 KPIs: Investigation Questions

When you see shortfalls in a particular goal, there are several questions you can ask and different ways you can think about root causes. Examples of these questions are listed in this guide for each of the top 10 KPIs.

Local Public Health Department Orders Related to COVID-19, Flu

A list of local public health department orders related to COVID-19 vaccination and masking and to mandatory influenza vaccination which affect dental practices within their respective jurisdiction.

Injury and Illness Prevention Plan

Customize sample plan to describe how the practice complies with safe work practices, communicates with staff and more. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated June 2024.

California Dental Licensure Options

A summary of the pathways to obtain a California dental license, the first of many licenses, permits, certificates and registrations necessary to practice dentistry, as well as to own and operate a dental practice, in the state.

2024 Q4 Practice Health Check: Dental Benefits

Is your practice prepared for a dental plan audit? The word “audit” can create anxiety for most dentists, but taking preemptive measures before an audit happens can reduce your stress and liability should you ever have to comply with a dental plan’s request to audit your practice.

Cyber Incident Response Steps

Steps to follow when your dental practice experiences a cyber incident that impacts your ability to access patient information.

Five Questions to Ask Your Employees to Boost Employee Communication and Retention

Do you want to improve employee retention and prevent surprise resignations? Instead of scratching your head wondering what your employees are thinking or scrambling after the fact to figure out what went wrong, take a proactive approach. Use the following tips and five stay interview questions to get the powerful information you need to help improve your workplace and hold onto your top performers.

Regulatory Compliance Checklist

This checklist provides an overview of what dental practices need to do to comply with the Dental Board, occupational safety, employment, environmental, radiation safety, patient privacy, information security, and general business requirements. This list offers general information and does not take the place of legal advice. This list is not exhaustive, and each item may not be applicable to every situation.

Is it a Scam?

This information aims to assist members in safeguarding themselves by outlining the steps they can take when faced with attempted scams.

HIPAA and California Health Information Privacy and Protection Laws Q&A

Answers to questions asked by dental offices on how to comply with HIPAA and state rules on health information privacy, security and confidentiality.

HIPAA and the California Medical Information Act Checklist

This checklist provides an at-a-glance view of elements required to comply with state and federal privacy laws. 

July 23, 2024 Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Regulation Takes Effect

Cal/OSHA regulation (Section 3396) requires an employer to document, either in a separate plan or as part of their injury and illness prevention plan, steps taken to prevent indoor heat illness. See Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Guidance and Resources for more information. For sample language to add to an injury and illness prevention plan, see Infection Control and Cal/OSHA FAQ.

Infection Control and Cal/OSHA FAQ

FAQ on infection control, other Cal/OSHA regulations, training, personal protective equipment and inspections. This resource is part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual. Updated March 2024.

Consent Form for Use or Disclosure of Patient Health Information

Sample form to obtain patient consent for use or disclosure of patient information as required by HIPAA and state law.

Required Employee Training

A summary of state required employee training that employers are required to provide  and related requirements. Does not include training required for licensure or license renewal.

Sample Employee Check-in Conversation Questions

The key to retaining and engaging your employees is to build stronger personal and professional relationships. Having regularly scheduled one-on-one time with each of your employees gives leaders the ability to connect and to quickly address any issues that may arise.

Collections Agency FAQ

Answering frequent questions about third party collection agencies. Things to know to stay in compliance with HIPAA and CMIA while working to collect past due patient balances.

Rules for Communicating via Telephone, Cellphone and Email

This is a guide to the rules for communicating via these technologies with patients and other individuals via telephone, cellphone, text message or email.

COVID-19 Isolation and Exposure Protocol

On May 22, 2024, CDPH retired its guidance on isolation and testing of individuals known or suspected of having COVID-19. However, the state Public Health Officer Order remains in place as does the Cal/OSHA non-emergency COVID-19 Prevention regulation. California employers must continue to exclude employees with, or suspected of having, COVID-19 during the infectious period. Employers also must provide testing to employees who have close contact with someone with COVID-19, except for asymptomatic employees who recently recovered from COVID-19. Employees must wear a mask when returning to work before a full 10 days has passed since symptoms started or testing positive.

HIPAA Training Resources

The first four PowerPoint presentations listed below are intended to instruct dental practice HIPAA privacy and security officers on their responsibilities under HIPAA and state privacy and security laws. The fifth and last PowerPoint presentation listed below can be used in combination with a dental practice’s written policies and procedures to train the office workforce (includes students and others).

Patient Rights, Privacy Practices and Safeguards

This is the second of four presentations created to train a dental practice’s privacy officer and security officer on the requirements of federal and state privacy laws and on their respective responsibilities. 

2024 Q3 Practice Health Check: Practice Transitions 

Whether you’re looking to purchase or sell your practice now or a few years down the road, it’s never too early to begin mapping out your purchase or sale by identifying and reviewing available resources. Preparation and planning for either transaction can take time. Building a team of professionals you trust and are comfortable working with while ensuring proper compliance systems are in place will support a seamless practice transition.

Creating Your Practice Vision Statement

Creating a vision statement can be a complex activity but a necessary one considering the many decisions you have to make as a business owner. Use this resource in tandem with our Writing Your Mission Statement resource. Then use the vision statement to guide your decision-making now and in the future.

Household Hazardous Waste and Small Quantity Generator Programs by County

A list of county programs which allow small businesses to drop-off by appointment their hazardous and universal waste.

Sterilizer Spore Tests/Biological Indicators Vendor List

Weekly verification of proper functioning of all sterilization devices through use of a biological indicator (such as a spore test) is required. 


Q&As, coding information and a sample notice and consent form required by the Dental Board.