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Practice Management

Virtual membership meeting offers strategies for dental practice teams to prevent workplace violence

Recent tragic events and resulting legislation have led business owners, including dentists, to think seriously about workplace violence. As a…

May 29, 2024 |Laws & Regulations, Office Policies & Manuals, Practice Management, Regulatory Compliance

Alternative pathways in dentistry: CDA Journal discusses careers outside of traditional private practice

“Private practices have been effectively taking care of the oral health needs of a large portion of the population,” writes…

May 8, 2024 |Early Career Dentists, Leadership and Practice Ownership, News Articles, Practice Transitions, Students

California meal and rest break laws are complex: Employee scheduler software can help

Software that incorporates mandated breaks into scheduling and notifies employees about their required meal and rest periods can save employers from fines, lawsuits and closure.

April 16, 2024 |Employment Practices, Endorsed Services, News Articles, Practice Management

Recommended actions for practices affected by Change Healthcare cyberattack

Updated March 12 to include anticipated restoration of services plus information on specific impacts to electronic prescribing and Medi-Cal Dental…

March 7, 2024 |News Articles, Practice Management, Regulatory Compliance

Reporting requirement for most dental practice owners under Corporate Transparency Act

Owners of small businesses with fewer than 20 employees are newly required to report their ownership information to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in compliance with the federal Corporate Transparency Act. 

January 23, 2024 |News Articles, Practice Management, Regulatory Compliance

Medical and Dental Health Histories Play a Crucial Role in Reducing Risk

Obtaining and regularly updating medical and dental health histories for every patient is a cornerstone of ethical and responsible dental care. Risk management experts have identified six ways that maintaining accurate health histories protects your patients and practice.

November 7, 2023 |News Articles, Patient Management, Practice Management

Tackling the dental assistant shortage: CDA resources, support and legislative action

The shortage of dental assistants impacts the productivity of the total practice. CDA members benefit from easy-to-implement training programs and staffing support plus legislative advocacy pursued on behalf of California practices.

October 26, 2023 |Advocacy, Education and Events, Legislation, News Articles, Online Learning, Public Health, Staffing & Training

TDIC’s Risk Management Advice Line offers guidance for complex practice challenges

Seeking specialized advice from risk management experts is essential for addressing the complexities of running a dental practice and managing employee dynamics. Collaboration with TDIC’s Advice Line analysts contributes to the long-term viability, success and prosperity of the dental practice.

October 3, 2023 |Employment Practices, Hiring, Firing & Performance, News Articles, Office Policies & Manuals, Practice Management, Regulatory Compliance, Risk Management/TDIC

Dentists can help prevent fentanyl deaths

Dentists are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution to reducing the harm of the current opioid/fentanyl crisis. Along with limiting the distribution of prescription opioids, dentists can take an active role in community efforts to raise awareness and increase access to naloxone.

September 27, 2023 |News Articles, Patient Care, Practice Management, Public Health

Establishing practice protocols of inclusivity will help dentists avoid AwDA violations

Effective communication and a basic understanding of the Americans with Disabilities Act are important tools to reduce risk and improve care for patients with special needs. One call to TDIC’s Risk Management Advice Line illustrates how AwDA violations might occur when practice protocols are not in place. 

September 5, 2023 |News Articles, Patient Care, Practice Management

Ensuring ethical dental care: Obtaining legal consent for nonverbal adults

Obtaining proper, legal consent for nonverbal adults is of paramount importance in the dental practice. By becoming familiar with local laws, employing effective communication strategies, involving caregivers and advocate, and maintaining documentation, dentists can provide ethical care for a vulnerable population. 

August 9, 2023 |News Articles, Patient Care, Patient Management, Privacy/HIPAA, Regulatory Compliance

Adding a new dentist or utilizing locum tenens? Here’s how to inform benefit plans and submit accurate claims

CDA’s experts answer members’ questions about adding a new dentist or utilizing locum tenens and the accompanying considerations for the dentist’s working relationship with dental benefit plans. 

July 25, 2023 |Billing, Contracts and Fees, Dental Benefit Plans, News Articles, Practice Management, Practice Transitions