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CURES (Controlled Substance)

Improve your dental practice workflow with e-prescription software

Most practices benefit from electronic prescribing, but it’s important to make sure that the solution you use to e-prescribe has features that will streamline your workflow and protect your patients and practice from error. Find out which e-prescription software characteristics are most valued by dentists.


April 24, 2023 |CURES (Controlled Substance), Endorsed Services, News Articles, Regulatory Compliance

Dental practices and patients benefit from ePrescription software

Along with the benefit of compliance with state regulations to prevent controlled-substance abuse, ePrescribing can improve clinical care and efficiency.

April 28, 2022 |CURES (Controlled Substance), Endorsed Services, News Articles, Practice Management, Regulatory Compliance

Practitioners who dispense controlled substances subject to revised reporting requirements

California-licensed pharmacists, dentists and others who dispense controlled substances must follow revised reporting requirements beginning Jan. 1, 2022. Those requirements are different than the requirements for prescribing or administering controlled substances.

December 15, 2021 |CURES (Controlled Substance), News Articles, Regulatory Compliance

California dentists’ top e-prescribing questions answered

CDA recently hosted a webinar with its Endorsed Services partner iCoreConnect to help dentists understand the process of transitioning from written and phoned-in prescriptions to electronic prescriptions by the state's Jan. 1 deadline. Here CDA answers questions members submitted during the webinar. 

December 9, 2021 |CURES (Controlled Substance), Dental Practice & Licensing, News Articles

Dentists’ biennial CURES fee is subject to change

California dentists, physicians and other specified licensees who renew their license beginning in April 2021 will see an increase in the regulatory fee assessed annually to cover the “reasonable costs” associated with operating and maintaining CURES 2.0 ― California’s prescription drug monitoring database.

November 18, 2020 |CURES (Controlled Substance), Dental Practice & Licensing, News Articles, Regulatory Compliance

New opioid laws will affect dentistry in 2019 and beyond

Many bills were introduced over the past year to combat the opioid epidemic in California, as CDA previously reported. Here is an overview of CDA-supported legislation in the areas of e-prescribing, informed consent, interstate data sharing and prescription-pad requirements, that Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law in September and how these bills will affect the practice of dentistry.

October 31, 2018 |Advocacy, CURES (Controlled Substance), Legislation, News Articles, Patient Care, Regulatory Compliance

Mandatory CURES consultation in effect

Beginning Oct. 2, all licensees authorized to prescribe, order, administer, furnish or dispense controlled substances in California must, with some exceptions, check a patient’s prescription history in CURES 2.0 before prescribing a Schedule II-IV substance, as CDA first reported in April. One notable exemption to mandatory CURES consultation that applies to dental care and that CDA helped secure is summarized here.

September 19, 2018 |CURES (Controlled Substance), News Articles, Regulatory Compliance

Mandatory checks in CURES took effect in October 2018

The Department of Justice on April 2 announced that California’s Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System, also known as CURES 2.0, is ready for statewide use and that mandatory CURES consultation becomes effective Oct. 2, 2018. Beginning on this date, prescribers must check a patient’s prescription history in CURES 2.0 before prescribing a Schedule II-IV substance, with some exceptions.

April 19, 2018 |CURES (Controlled Substance), News Articles, Patient Care, Regulatory Compliance