If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources. |
This year, CDA will be offering a variety of in-person learning events across the state.
The shortage of dental assistants impacts the productivity of the total practice. CDA members benefit from easy-to-implement training programs and staffing support plus legislative advocacy pursued on behalf of California practices.
Local dental societies and dentists have successfully launched dental assistant training programs to provide effective, accelerated training to the labor force in their areas. Some of these utilize CDA’s Dental Assistant Training curriculum. Learn more about these local programs and CDA’s upcoming Smile Crew CA Dental Assistant Training Bootcamp.
CDA encourages dentists to review continuing education requirements as the dental board resumes conducting C.E. audits. Common C.E. deficiencies include failure to complete a mandatory C.E. course, the minimum required units for license renewal or a course from an approved provider.
Dentists and other authorized prescribers across the U.S. will be required under a new federal law to complete eight hours of instruction on treating and managing patients with opioid and other substance use disorders prior to renewing or obtaining a DEA registration.
New training specifically for California dentists focuses on COVID-19 vaccine administration, patient preparation and documentation and satisfies the 1 unit of C.E. dentists must complete to administer the COVID-19 vaccines.
The four-part series explores the crucial stages of finding qualified candidates, successfully integrating new team members into the dental practice and retaining top talent.
Changes in continuing education regulations are coming for California dentists beginning Jan. 1, 2023, including mandated C.E. that covers the responsibilities and requirements of prescribing Schedule II opioid drugs.
Enforcement actions against providers by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights to uphold patient rights to access their health information are increasingly common. CDA members benefit from an array of resources to support compliance efforts.
California dentists can take a new online course that meets the requirements for opioid use disorder training for licensure. “Responsibilities and Requirements for Prescribing Controlled Substances (Schedule II Opioid Drugs),” is eligible for 2 units of C.E. and is available to CDA members for a substantially discounted price.
In-office dental assistant training has arrived for the many CDA members who continue to have challenges finding and hiring qualified dental assistants for their practice. The curriculum provides 12 weeks of supportive online learning for use alongside in-office training.
CDA members benefit from a new online training program designed to help California dental practices achieve full compliance with Cal/OSHA’s requirements for bloodborne pathogen safety training and exposure control.