If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources. |
California dentists are required to follow Cal/OSHA’s “Heat Illness Prevention in Indoor Places of Employment” standard that took effect July 24.
A final rule issued by federal OSHA that takes effect July 19 largely affects product manufacturers and distributors of hazardous…
Updated nondiscrimination regulations that take effect July 5 under the Affordable Care Act’s Section 1557 will advance and restore protections…
Recent tragic events and resulting legislation have led business owners, including dentists, to think seriously about workplace violence. As a…
California dental practices are required to establish, implement and maintain a workplace violence prevention plan. CDA resources can help members comply.
As cases of the highly contagious but preventable measles viral infection increase across the U.S. due to delayed childhood vaccinations,…
Updated March 12 to include anticipated restoration of services plus information on specific impacts to electronic prescribing and Medi-Cal Dental…
California-licensed dentists who do not have a fingerprint on record in the dental board’s section of the Department of Consumer…
Navigating the complexities of HIPAA compliance can be overwhelming, especially when you have numerous pressing concerns in your daily practice….
Owners of small businesses with fewer than 20 employees are newly required to report their ownership information to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network in compliance with the federal Corporate Transparency Act.
In the aftermath of SmileDirectClub’s abrupt closure in early December, dentists may experience an uptick in patients needing orthodontic treatment. CDA has created FAQ to help members manage anticipated questions and concerns from past SmileDirectClub customers.
Recommendations to discontinue patient shielding are increasing, but, for now, dentists must continue to follow California regulation that requires patients be draped with a protective lead or lead-equivalent apron during dental radiography.