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Public Health

CDA Foundation’s Ukraine Relief Fund raises $41K; dental equipment will be sent to aid organization

The CDA Foundation is pleased to report that the Ukraine Relief Fund raised $41,000 through the generous support of CDA members and other donators. CDA and TDIC also contributed to the fund. 

May 4, 2023 |CDA Foundation, News Articles, Public Health

A Surplus of Smiles at CDA Cares Long Beach

The Aug. 13 event brought together more than 50 volunteers to provide service to 67 Californians in need of oral health care. CDA Foundation looks forward to more Cares events in the future.

August 25, 2022 |CDA Foundation, News Articles, Public Health

Get guidance on choosing water fluoridation in your community with new California Fluoridation Manual

Local health jurisdictions and oral health advocates in California now have guidance for promoting water fluoridation in their communities based on generally accepted, peer-reviewed scientific evidence and experience. 

July 26, 2022 |Advocacy, News Articles, Public Health

Childhood experiences motivate CDA Foundation’s 2021 grant recipients to serve

The CDA Foundation’s Student Loan Repayment Grant has been awarded annually since 2002. The two recipients of the 2021 grant are Sogole Tabatabaiepur, DDS, and Jose Carrasco Sandoval, DDS.

January 18, 2022 |Access to Care, Advocacy, CDA Foundation, News Articles, Public Health

Small-scale CDA Cares provides $28,211 in dental services to 50 people in Woodland

The CDA Foundation hosted the clinic at Northern Valley Indian Health. With the support of 31 volunteers, including the NVIH staff, dentists were able to safely perform 271 procedures, such as fillings, cleanings and extractions, for a total of $28,211 in care.

December 3, 2021 |CDA Foundation, News Articles, Public Health

CalHealthCares awards $69.4 million to providers to help expand Medi-Cal access

The California Department of Health Care Services has awarded $69.4 million toward student loan repayments for 249 physicians and 41 dentists to expand health care access for Medi-Cal patients.

August 18, 2021 |Access to Care, Advocacy, News Articles, Public Health

94% of California dentists vaccinated against COVID-19, CDA survey shows

A recent survey of practicing dentists in California shows that 94% of surveyed dentists are vaccinated against COVID-19, due in part to trustworthy COVID-19 vaccine resources published by CDA. The survey indicates that confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines is much higher among practicing dentists than it is among adults nationwide.

July 6, 2021 |COVID-19/Respiratory Illness, News Articles, Public Health

Dentists receive confidential support for alcohol, chemical dependency through CDA’s Well-Being Program

“There are people in my community who will tell you that the Well-Being Program is probably the most important benefit they’ve received as a CDA member,” said Matthew Korn, DDS, chair of the CDA Well-Being Committee. The program assists dental community members who suffer from alcohol or chemical dependency or both.

April 7, 2021 |CDA Foundation, News Articles, Public Health

Partnerships, volunteerism shaping dentistry’s contribution to COVID-19 response

Organized dentistry is making it easier for dentists across California to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Local dental societies have been working with local health departments to get dentists and their staff members vaccinated, and dentists are volunteering their time and skills at vaccination clinics in their communities. 

February 17, 2021 |Advocacy, COVID-19/Respiratory Illness, News Articles, Public Health

New oral health objectives added to national 10-year plan for improving health of Americans

Healthy People 2030, a 10-year national plan to promote and improve public health and prevent disease, launched Aug. 18 via webcast with experts from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention speaking on health equity, well-being and business partnerships. 

August 24, 2020 |Access to Care, Advocacy, News Articles, Patient Care, Public Health

UCSF School of Dentistry graduate embarks on new beginnings amid pandemic

Graduates at the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry are stepping into new beginnings in the COVID era.

July 20, 2020 |News Articles, Public Health, Students

International students and graduates face new challenges amid stricter immigration laws

International students facing additional stress to obtain legal eligibility to work in the U.S. due to temporary H-1B restrictions. 

July 1, 2020 |News Articles, Public Health