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Community Oral Health Resources

The April 2015 edition of the Journal of the American Dental Association features an innovative study utilizing system dynamics modeling to measure the disease reduction and costs savings of community water fluoridation in the New York State Medicaid program.
Websites and toll-free numbers to find resources for quitting tobacco.
The "Smiles for Life" resource was developed in response to the need for education and awareness on the importance of continued good oral health for older adults. The materials cover issues related to oral health and the daily oral care of the semi-dependent and independent older adult. This resource is available in EnglishSpanishChineseHmongRussian, and Vietnamese.
A public-private partnership between the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, the San Diego County Dental Society, and the San Diego County Dental Health Coalition, has developed a variety of resources for educators and advocates to educate children on the importance of goods oral health.
Developed by CDA to raise awareness of the importance of continued good oral health for older adults.
A resource for parents from HPV Cancer Free.
A Patient Engagement Guide for Dental & Medical Professionals with Q&A Prompts from the Arcora Foundation
The Food and Drug Administration has launched "The Real Cost," a campaign to help teenagers avoid the harmful effects of smoking tobacco.
The Anderson Center for Dental Care, located in San Diego and dedicated to taking care of the dental needs of pediatric patients, especially those with special healthcare needs, has developed handouts for parents of children with autism and with Down syndrome.
The University of California San Francisco (UCSF), California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center (COHTAC), recently released the “Tobacco Cessation Toolkit for California Dental Providers”. This toolkit was created by UCSF COHTAC in partnership with San Joaquin County Public Health Services Smoking & Tobacco Out­reach and Prevention Program (STOPP) and Local Oral Health Program, and the California Depart­ment of Public Health, Office of Oral Health. The toolkit aims to provide dental professionals in California with tools and resources to help guide and improve their tobacco cessation-related practices. To complement the toolkit, UCSF COHTAC also included a FREE one-hour, on-demand, webinar entitled, “Tobacco Cessation for California Dental Providers”. This course discusses the oral and overall health implications of tobacco use and strategies for implementing tobacco cessation interventions in dental practice, including the role of the entire dental team. All dental providers in California (only) are eligible to received 1.0 CDE credit upon completion.