If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources.
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Wildfire Response and Recovery Resources

Many of you, along with your families, team members and colleagues, are feeling the impact of the devastating fires in Southern California. We are here for you and will support you in any way we can. CDA, the CDA Foundation, TDIC and your local dental societies are working together to assist members in affected areas. We’ve curated a list of resources and information and will update it as more resources become available.

Disaster response resources

Disaster recovery resources

  • Connect with your local chamber of commerce as well as your city or county on recovery programs.
  • The Small Business Administration provides low-interest loan information to recover declared disasters.
  • As the wildfire received a Major Disaster Declaration, federal funding is also available for individuals and businesses at disasterassistance.gov
  • Real-time Local Information: A new hub for information, local services and government resources for Southern California residents has been launched at CA.gov/LAfires. Sign up for daily email or text updates.

Disaster preparedness resources

  • Outsmart Disaster offers information and guidance, including webinars and workshops, to raise awareness about the importance of preparing your business for disasters and emergencies.
  • Fire/Emergency Action plan, developed by CDA’s analysts as part of the Regulatory Compliance Manual, is an example of the contingency/business disaster plans that dentists are required to have under HIPAA with regard to patient information management. (Sign in to cda.org for access.)
  • Employee Manual Resources for CDA members help put clear policies in place to address reporting time, pay and personal leave for employees who may be affected by fires or other emergencies.
  • TDIC’s resources also include guides to prepare your practice for potential wildfires, such as emergency planning, taking inventory and minimizing loss.

Wellness resources

In addition to the CDA Foundation’s Wellness Program, which offers peer-to-peer support and assistance, there are several sources to support dental professionals:

Donate to the Southern California Wildfire Relief Fund

The Southern California Wildfire Relief Fund in now open to support those in need: Donate Now

How to donate:

  1. Specify the amount of your donation.
  2. Select the frequency of your donation (one-time).
  3. Choose “Southern California Wildfire Relief Fund” from the drop-down menu.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields and select “continue” to proceed with payment. (Volume-related delays are impacting page load times. If you experience a delay, try refreshing the page. Once you submit payment, do not close the window until you see a payment confirmation message which will include a link to your payment receipt. An email receipt will be sent within two business days.)

Impacted individual California dentists, dental staff and dental society staff can review application criteria and apply online for funds.