Prescribers can check CURES for misuse of prescription pads

September 20, 2019

A dentist who writes controlled substance prescriptions can now review CURES (Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System) for patients for whom the dentist is listed as a prescriber. This ability to review the list is useful when a dentist has misplaced a prescription pad or has had a prescription pad stolen or when a dentist suspects someone is misusing their DEA number.

A new law (AB 2086) allows prescribers to run CURES reports that contain each patient’s name, address, date of birth and gender. The report will cover the time period of up to one year prior to the date the report is generated. The process for generating a patient list is as follows:

1. Log in to CURES and choose the Patient Activity Report tab.
2. Search Criteria – Choose the button for Patient List by DEA#s, then select your DEA number. (Note: A dentist with more than one DEA number can choose all DEA numbers.) Then enter the date.
3. Patient List – Once users submit the search, the matching patient lists are displayed.

After a list is created, a dentist can go back into the system and run separate CURES reports for each patient on the list if more information is needed. If a dentist discovers a prescription in the CURES report that they did not prescribe, the dentist should contact the pharmacy as well as the California State Board of Pharmacy. Additional information about CURES is available at 916.210.3187 or at [email protected].


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