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The Art and Science of Dentistry

Registration Fees


Registration Category

Early Bird / Standard Fee

CDA Member Dentist: A member of CDA with current-year membership dues paid


Non-CDA Member Dentist – California: A California DDS who is not a member of CDA

$950 / $1,050

Out-of-State ADA Member Dentist: A tripartite DDS member in the state in which they practice (ADA number required)


Out-of-State Non-ADA Member Dentist: A DDS who is not a part of a tripartite association


Out-of-State ADA Lifetime Member: A DDS with ADA Lifetime qualifications

$0 (pending verification)

Active Military Dentist: An active-duty DDS

$80 / $115

International Dentist: A DDS who works and lives outside the U.S.

$205 / $240

Dental Student – CDA Member: A current dental student who is an active CDA member


Dental Student – Non-CDA Member: A current dental student who is not a CDA member

$30 / $65

ADHP – Allied Dental Health Professional

Registration Category

Early Bird / Standard Fee

ADHP CDA Member: Any category below that has paid the current year’s membership dues for CDA


RDH: Licensed Registered Dental Hygienist in CA

$25 / $40

RDHEF: Licensed Registered Dental Hygienist Extended Functions in CA

$25 / $40

RDHAP: Licensed Registered Dental Hygienist in Alternative Practice in CA

$25 / $40

Out-of-State/ International RDH: Licensed Registered Dental Hygienist in another state besides CA

$25 / $40

RDA: Licensed Registered Dental Assistant in CA

$25 / $40

RDAEF: Licensed Registered Dental Assistant in Extended Functions in CA

$25 / $40

Out-of-State/ International RDA: Licensed Registered Dental Assistant in another state besides CA

$25 / $40

Dental Assistant: Non-licensed Dental Assistant; no C.E. units or transcripts provided for this registration category 

$25 / $40

Lab Tech: Lab Technician; no C.E. units or transcripts provided for this registration category 

$25 / $40

Office Staff: Anyone who works within a dental office, no C.E. units or transcripts provided for this registration category 

$25 / $40

ADHP School Faculty: Non-licensed faculty member that works in a dental-oriented specific school; no C.E. units or transcripts provided for this registration category 

$25 / $40


Registration Category

Early Bird / Standard Fee

Non-Exhibiting Dental Dealer: Works in or with a company that provides dental products or services


Non-Dental Professional: A licensed or certified professional in a medical field other than dentistry (MD, MPH, NP)



Registration Category

Early Bird / Standard Fee

Guest of Member

$10 / $40

Licensed Guest of Member

$10 / $40

Guest of Non-Member

$25 / $40