Steps to improving patient care and practice workflows through e-prescription software

October 20, 2022
Quick Summary:
Nearly one year has passed since California dentists and other health care providers began electronically prescribing all medications in compliance with state law. How has e-prescribing improved your workflow? What challenges have you had along the way? Hopefully, processes have been more efficient for you and your patients, but don’t wait to evaluate your options. Learn how e-prescribing software should improve your clinical workflow and improve patient care.

Fulfilling your commitment to quality patient care relies on ensuring patients receive both the service level they want and the treatment they need. That means having the tools and resources at your disposal working effectively, including e-prescribing software.

Nearly one year has passed since Assembly Bill 2789 mandated that licensed California dentists and other health care providers electronically prescribe all medications.

Take time to pause and evaluate how your practice is pacing. Over the past year, how has e-prescribing improved your workflow? What challenges have you had along the way?

Hopefully, processes have been much easier and more efficient for you and your patients. However, if you are underwhelmed by your current prescribing workflow, don’t wait to evaluate your options.

How should e-prescribing improve your clinical workflow?

One of the primary benefits of e-prescribing software is the ability to improve the accuracy of prescriptions. Since nearly a quarter of all prescription errors can be attributed to illegible handwriting, electronic prescriptions can provide complete and unambiguous information.

“The right technology tools and healthcare platforms should seamlessly integrate with your existing practice management system,” notes Robert McDermott, president and CEO of iCoreConnect, a cloud-based e-prescribing solution. “This integration allows patient information to auto-populate your e-prescription, saving time and reducing errors. It’s an essential and easy way to let technology streamline your clinical workflow.”

While features vary across software solutions, the right e-prescription software will not only send the prescription to your patient’s pharmacy but can also:

  • Check the CURES database to ensure safe prescribing of controlled medications.
  • Save time by auto-filling patient information.
  • Offer “favorites” for both prescription combos and pharmacies.
  • Provide alerts and warnings for interactions and contraindications.
  • Fully integrate with existing dental practice management software.
  • Offer cloud-based flexibility so it can be used anywhere at any time.
  • Streamline steps to increase the speed of prescription completion.

In short, e-prescribing software can and should do more than simply digitally transmit prescriptions, though digital transmission has immense value on its own.

How can today’s software improve patient care?

The robust features of a fully developed e-prescription software solution deliver measurable improvements to the overall patient experience. In fact, recent research in Europe revealed that nearly 72% of patients preferred e-prescriptions based on the convenience alone. The benefits also include:

  • Improved prescription accuracy and safety.
  • Increased adherence to prescriptions.
  • Improved perception of care by patients.

Additionally, your practice team will benefit from more efficient workflow, freeing up time to focus more on patient care. Plus, you could see significant cost savings.

CDA members have support evaluating practice management approaches and complying with California mandates. As a CDA Endorsed Service, iCoreRx offers members free demos and a 43% subscription discount. In addition, members can log in to their CDA account to access helpful tools, guides and checklists any time. 


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