If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources. |
We have employed a Single Sign On (SSO) solution to make it easier for you to sign in once on your device and then be recognized across many applications.
Is it secure?
Yes! We utilize the following security measures to protect your account access:
Is it convenient?
Users who select Keep Me Signed In can re-access our applications from within their recognized browser without being prompted to reenter their username and password each time. This provides persistent access, only revoked when a user chooses to sign out, or after an industry standard number of months. This feature is provided as a convenience to users who are signing in from a secure computer or device that the user has confirmed should be considered as already authenticated.
Please Note: Since Keep Me Signed In basically trusts that the user’s browser is secured by the user, you should never enable Keep Me Signed In on a publicly accessible or shared computer or device.
Sign up is a four step process:
Please see the section on Keep Me Signed In to learn how to minimize the occurrence of sign in on recognized devices.
Sign in is a two step process:
Check out our Forgot Your Password? or Sign up options to check for your existing SSO account by email address, ADA number or dental license number.
No, we’re here to help! Re-applying for membership could create a duplicate account that disrupts your current benefits and renewal. Contact CDA at 800.232.7645 for assistance retrieving your account information.
Please ensure that your Inbox or email system is set to allow emails from [email protected].
In the case of Forgot Your Password?, an unreceived email can indicate that the e-mail address provided is not associated with an existing SSO account and is available for Sign up.
If you suspect that the Multi-factor authentication phone number associated with your SSO account is incorrect, please contact Membership Support at [email protected] or 800.232.7645.
Great news! Your SSO account has already been set up. Please see our Forgot Your Password? option if you are unsure of the password created during the sign up process.
To help protect you from abuse, we sometimes ask you to prove you’re not a robot before you can create or sign in to your account. This extra confirmation by phone helps keep spammers from abusing our systems.
Tip: To verify your account, you need a mobile device.
Users who select Keep Me Signed In can re-access our applications from within their recognized browser without being prompted to reenter their username and password each time. This provides persistent access, only revoked when a user chooses to sign out, or after an industry standard number of months. This feature is provided as a convenience to users who are logging in from a secure computer or device that the user has confirmed should be considered as already authenticated.
Please Note: Since Keep Me Signed In basically trusts that the user’s browser is secured by the user, you should never enable Keep Me Signed In on a publicly accessible or shared computer or device.
To ensure your security, we employ a multi-step process to verify your identity before offering the ability to change your password.
If you suspect that the Multi-factor authentication phone number associated with your SSO account is incorrect or you simply would prefer to use a different phone number for this purpose, please contact Membership Support at [email protected] or 800.232.7645.