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Dentists can use CDA’s new Practice Health Check to evaluate employment practices

Test your compliance with the laws on alternative workweek schedules and employee onboarding
April 16, 2024
A dentist considers dental practice management

QUICK SUMMARY: Every quarter, CDA publishes a Practice Health Check focusing on a different topic related to the business side of dentistry. Alternative Workweek schedules and employee onboarding are the topics in the second quarter of 2024. CDA members are invited to take the Q2 Practice Health Check consisting of just two questions.

Spring showers bring new flowers, and hopefully your dental practice is thriving as well. As your practice grows, make sure you adhere to state and federal labor laws and offer new employees a jumpstart with appropriate onboarding practices.

Each quarter, CDA publishes a Practice Health Check for members focusing on a different topic related to the business side of dentistry. Compliance with California laws regarding alternative workweek schedules and the importance of thoughtful employee onboarding are the focus of the second quarter of 2024.

Dental practice owners and employers are invited to take the Q2 Practice Health Check consisting of just two questions:

  1. Is your alternative workweek schedule compliant with California law?
  2. Is onboarding new employees a top priority?

For guidance on evaluating your practice’s alternative workweek schedule and how to successfully onboard new employees, start the Practice Health Check now and follow the links to additional CDA resources to help you stay in compliance. 

CDA launched the quarterly Practice Health Check in 2021 testing members’ use of patient financial policies, dental plan billing practices, compliance with required Cal/OSHA documentation and much more. Members can review past Practice Health Checks online. 


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