New COVID vaccination flyers and infographics for dental offices made possible through state grant

September 14, 2022
Quick Summary:
As trusted health professionals, dentists are positioned daily to discuss COVID-19 vaccination with their staff, patients and the public and instill confidence about the COVID-19 vaccines. Dentists can use new infographics, flyers, talking points and other resources to inform patients and the public about prevention, vaccine safety and how to schedule a vaccination. All resources were made possible by a grant from the California Department of Public Health.

The most recent state data shows that during July 2022, unvaccinated individuals were 2.6 times more likely to get COVID-19, three times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 and 3.6 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than people who were vaccinated with at least a primary series. 

Meanwhile, reports of long COVID, which can affect people who had COVID-19, are surfacing more frequently. Scientists and medical professionals are still learning about the myriad ongoing complications long COVID can cause, including severe respiratory, cardiac and neurological problems. A recent study by Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy found that vaccination lowers the risk of getting long COVID by 15%. 

New vaccination materials for use in dental office 

As trusted health professionals, dentists are positioned daily to discuss COVID-19 vaccination with their staff, patients and the public, instill confidence about the COVID-19 vaccines and ultimately influence their patients’ decision-making about receiving the vaccine. 

CDA published the Vaccine Confidence Toolkit in spring 2021 with more than a dozen resources to help dentists have confident discussions about vaccination with their patients. Many resources have been updated and added since the toolkit’s release. 

Now, CDA announces six new vaccine-messaging resources for use in the dental office, made possible by a grant from the California Department of Public Health. They include: 

  • Prevention infographic: Patient-facing infographic promotes brushing, flossing, routine teeth cleanings and COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • Prevention infographic: Version 2 of this patient-facing infographic also promotes prevention and recommends patients talk to their dental team about scheduling a vaccination. 
  • Vaccine hesitancy flyer: Interactive one-pager for dentists discusses vaccine hesitancy, including its prevalence in unique populations, and how dentists can use motivational interviewing with patients to assess their comfort level with vaccination. 
  • Vaccination discussion flyer: Provides tips for talking about COVID-19 vaccination with patients and includes recommended answers to patients’ common questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. 
  • Vaccination flyer for patients: Discusses the importance of COVID-19 vaccination as part of a patient’s total health, answers parents’ and kids’ common questions about the vaccines and directs patients to to schedule a vaccination appointment. 
  • Vaccination scheduling messaging: Dentists can use this sample message to inform patients via email or other method that their dental practice offers COVID-19 vaccination and booster shots. 

Find the new downloadable resources in CDA’s Vaccine Confidence Toolkit. 


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