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About Us
For more than two decades, the efforts of our organization, donors and volunteers have transformed countless lives across the state. From Humboldt County to San Diego, the CDA Foundation supports Californians’ access to care through unique, results-driven programs and grants.
The CDA Foundation is founded with a single employee and a sole purpose – to make a lasting and positive impact on the lives of underserved Californians.
The Student Loan Repayment Grant program is launched. Since that time, grants have been awarded to 20 dentists working in community clinics. These dentists have provided oral health services to nearly 100,000 patients, with care valued at more than $25 million in communities where individuals would otherwise go without.
The Foundation partnered with the UCSF School of Dentistry and published evidence that dental caries could be prevented and managed through risk assessment, creating a paradigm shift in dental practice.
The Pediatric Oral Health Access Program® for underserved children is created in collaboration with the California Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Nearly 400 dentists have been trained throughout the state; in turn, they have provided $35 million in care to more than 100,000 children.
In collaboration with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, District IX, a panel of national experts is convened to develop “Oral Health During Pregnancy and Early Childhood: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Health Professionals.” These guidelines and educational resources provide best practices based on science.
Recognizing that more than 95% of Americans over 65 in long-term care facilities have unmet oral health needs, the Senior Oral Health Training Project is developed, using curriculum developed by the Pacific Center for Special Care to assist those caring for dependent adults.
The first CDA Cares event takes place, shining a light on the profound need for access to care. To date, these events have provided oral health services valued at more than $25.1 million and transformed the lives of more than 30,000 individuals. With tremendous attention from the media, policymakers and public, CDA Cares increases leverage for policy-making issues like adding adult Medi-Cal Dental back into the state’s budget.
The First Smiles – First 5 Education and Training Project is developed, which has since trained nearly 13,000 dental providers on the newest science in early childhood caries.
The Foundation, in partnership with CDA, helps launch a pilot training program, Smile Crew CA, which teaches participants the basic skills for a dental assisting career and provides the certifications required for dental assisting.
The Foundation enters into a grant agreement with the California Department of Public Health to provide training and educational materials to dentists and the public on the administration and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. The grant also facilitated the Foundation’s Vaccine Confidence Toolkit, which educates dentists, patients and the public on vaccine safety and efficacy.
The Foundation’s Wellness Program (previously called Well-Being Program) expands its focus from helping dental professionals who are battling substance use disorders to address anxiety, depression and burnout for all dental team members through confidential peer-to-peer support, leadership training and courses.
With a focus on prioritizing connecting each clinic patient to a dental home to receive ongoing care, the Foundation retools CDA Cares clinics.
The Foundation is selected as the grant administrator of Community-Based Clinical Education funds, which CDA successfully advocated for in 2022. Dental schools in California become eligible to each receive up to $1 million to expand their CBCE rotation sites in underserved communities throughout the state.
Smile Crew CA continues to be successful, placing most participants in open dental positions in California, creating job opportunities and helping CDA member-dentists fill open positions in their practices. Foundation, in partnership with CDA, is awarded a two-year, $5 million High Road Training Partnership to expand and scale this program to more parts of the state.
The Foundation enters into a grant agreement with the California Health Facilities Financing Authority to provide technical assistance to develop the Specialty Dental Clinic Grant Program. The program is funded by a one-time state investment of $50 million to help alleviate long wait times for people with physical, developmental or cognitive disabilities who are in dire need of compassionate care. Grantees are Medi-Cal dental providers that will receive funding to help build new or expand existing specialty dental clinics.
Millions of Californians still experience barriers to care. With your support, the CDA Foundation continues to build momentum and work toward lasting change for our state’s most vulnerable citizens.
The California Dental Association Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.
Tax ID number: 68-0411536