
Become a Member

See for yourself how CDA supports members through dedicated advocacy, innovative education, trusted guidance and practice-changing resources.

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California Dentists

Licensed dentists who are based in our state

Dental Staff

Health professionals (licensed or unlicensed) based in our state

Out-of-State Dentists

Members of organized dentistry based outside of California

Why join CDA today?

The California Dental Association is a diverse, supportive community of 27,000 of the best and brightest professionals in dentistry. Together, we’re stronger when facing new challenges and more prepared be ahead of what’s next.

Get dentist-focused support staying ahead of the curve, navigating issues, growing your skills and building a successful practice. 

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Find answers to your membership questions  or contact CDA

It’s time to join CDA.

Do you believe that the profession of dentistry should be shaped by those who practice it? Become a member of our community.