If you are impacted by wildfires, know that CDA and TDIC are here to support you. Contact CDA or call TDIC at 877.269.8844 to file a claim or explore resources. |
Join in the excitement in Anaheim as CDA Presents brings new hands-on workshops, speakers and special events.
Get support for your success with protection, savings and solutions designed just for CDA members.
“Being the CDA rep for the Dugoni class of 2023 has been an amazing experience. California Dental Association is progressive, innovative, and responsive to the needs of its members and student members.”
—Michael Ricupito, DDS ’23 (UOP)
Benefit from one-on-one support from specialized analysts and log in to access a full library of members-only resources for navigating the business side of dentistry.
CDA provides guidance for dentist-employers who must ensure their unlicensed dental assistants complete the dental board-approved eight hour infection control course per the new timeline.
Why do employees abandon their jobs — and when is it not abandonment? Employers should have a policy that clearly states the consequences of no-call, no-show behavior.
Cal/OSHA's COVID-19 regulations expired Feb. 3 with one exception: reporting and recordkeeping requirements will remain in effect for another year.